Elevating your State of Being — Ancient candles

3 hacks to incorporate more positive thoughts into your life

3 hacks to incorporate more positive thoughts into your life

So, you want to start incorporating more positive thoughts into your life…. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO DO THAT?? But most importantly, how are you going to remember to do it every day?? I’ve put together 3 of the EASIEST ways to get more positive thoughts into your life, and because I know your probably speed reading through this article, I’m going to get right into it!  Lock in three good thoughts as soon as you wake up!  Put a journal/notebook/paper next to your bed and a pen -- and when you wake up, as you put your feet onto...

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Where did candles come from? - Fun facts from candle history

Where did candles come from? - Fun facts from candle history

We could go on and on about how candles have been infused into everyday life throughout history, whether it's for need, or for pleasure. But I think we’ve provided you with enough random facts to support the candle category on Jeopardy! 

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