I booked a one way plane ticket for a 5 day vacation 12 hours before the plane took off. I've never been that spontaneous in my life. I booked my return flight, 2 days before I was supposed to fly home. That flight was cancelled. So I took a 3 hour Uber ride across Florida to stay with my Godmother and booked a flight home 3 days later. My brain wasn't prepared for all of this.
Did reading all of that give you anxiety?? -- Yeah, me too.
But you know what was UNBELIEVABLE?!?! - I didn't feel anxiety at all. I felt supported, I felt pulled, and I felt at peace the entire time. Now, let me preface this with information that I used to hear stories like this from spontaneous people and think, I COULD NEVER DO THAT. I AM NOT SPONTANEOUS. But boy did I surprise myself. You know what is spontaneous? My intuition. My gut. My God. The Universe. And When those elements have a plan, there is nothing you need to do by go with the flow.
This trip was such a microcosm of a life lesson for me, that I knew I needed to share it with you. On Sunday, I didn't know I was flying out to a vacation. On Monday, I didn't know when I was coming home. On Wednesday I THOUGHT I was flying home on a Friday, and on Friday I found out that I wasn't flying home until Monday.
-- Did ya catch all that?
On Sunday, I knew I needed to get away. My soul hurt, my body was craving warm weather, and I can't describe the feelings of "I need to get out of here" that I was feeling. So on Monday I honored it. My schedule allowed for a perfect day of dropping off my dog and candle orders and packing my bags and working out. I had a smooth flight and got there perfectly. (as was God's plan).
On Tuesday and Wednesday I rested, got an amazing DM from a celebrity contact that I met last year, and found out I was going to be a favor that was handed out at Eva Longoria's birthday party. In my time of resting on the beach, this opportunity came in. I realized how much I was being called to rest, and the reward came right through.
On Friday, when my flight was cancelled, I knew right away that I had to go see my Godmother. You see, I was being called to visit her, but I ignored it. With a cancelled flight and nowhere under $500 a night to stay where I was, I knew it was my time to head her way. A 3 hour uber sounds INSANE.. but it felt so right. And so I did the insane, because the feeling in my heart was stronger than the thoughts in my head. I was being pulled, and I had faith that it was all working out for me.
Let me tell you. This crazy trip was one that would have had the old Beth freaking out. I didn't know how to rest in the waves of divine circumstances. I muted my gut feelings so much that I couldn't have been convinced to do anything illogical or spontaneous. But years of practice, years of listening to the small feeling, or small voice that I heard leading me towards something bigger and riskier led me here. I've seen how the moments I listened to that inner small voice have changed my life. I've learned to trust it, and I've learned to have the faith that I'm making the right decision.
So, I hope you take this crazy trip story as your sign that you too can trust that inner knowing. You too can be guided by the moments that you say "I just knew". People will question you. People will ask you why, and they will ask you for logical reasoning. But that's not something you need to answer with anything other than, "I just knew".